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Pirkei Avot with Story of Purim – Personalized

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The Talmud states “One who wishes to be a chasid, should practice the words of Avot (Ethics of the Fathers).”

Now, with the release of Pirkei Avot: With a New Commentary, Anthologized from the works of the Classic Commentators and the Chasidic Masters, that daunting task has become that much easier.

Compiled by well-known author and translator Rabbi Yosef Marcus, and published by the Lubavitch publishing house, Kehot Publication Society, the volume gives the reader a comprehensive and fundamental understanding of Pirkie Avot. Anthologized from hundreds of commentators, classic to obscure, the commentary is crowned with the insights culled from the voluminous works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe and his predecessors.

Arrives with our Story of Purim:

Bring a smile to their faces with this unique poem story book! Open the book to discover an array of goodies! They’ll love the included assortment of half a doze of our artisan Hamentaschen.

Includes personalization!


Hamantash – CHOF K